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More abductions in Iraq

September 16, 2004 at 08:16 AM

Two Americans and a Britain were kidnapped by gunmen Thursday.

I have so many problems with this, enough is enough.

What in the hell are civilians still during in this freaking country? Get the hell out and get the hell out now. There's no reason good enough. If your job sent you, find another job. The place is a crap hole and a death trap, especially if you're a freaking American. How many people have to be beheaded or bombs have to go off before you decide that maybe, just maybe you shouldn't be there.

Over one hundred foreigners have been abducted and two dozen of them killed in the last several months.

Any place where your house is considered poorly secured if you only have one guard is no place you should be. Any place where this house is considered part of the wealthy district is no place you should be.

Come home, let them kill themselves if that's what they want. Who cares anymore. Screw it and screw them.


1 Christina said...

HAHA. Now do you realize this war is pointless, we're fighting a bunch of inbred imbeciles. The thing is though, if American's want to be in Iraq for any reason, they're asking for death. What we need to do is bring the troops back home.

Posted on September 16, 2004 at 11:44 AM

2 Brian said...

I'm not talking about the war/troops, I'm talking about civilians.

Posted on September 16, 2004 at 12:09 PM

3 Christina said...

I know you are, but if the civilians want to be there, then it's there dumb fault. Another case of stupidity.

Posted on September 16, 2004 at 03:14 PM

4 Red_Raven said...

Los USA seguis con fanatismo la religion catolica q promueve el amor y el respeto, Sois una democracia (q aunq en la realidad se trate de una Tirania de la mayoria) q se supone q muestra los valores de la libertad y el respeto, pero vuestra mayor industria es la guerra y la destruccion. imponeis vuestras normas queriendo o sin querer, obligais al resto del mundo a mirar por vuestros mismos ojos isn aceptar otro punto de vista, negando q podais estar equivocados, y si os equivocais, contais con la mejor propaganda de los medios de comunicacion o bien para desviar miradas o bien para encubrir vuesros fallos y q estos caigan sobre un pobre cabeza de turco. Poneis en el trono a tiranos solo para despues de unos aƱos poder atacarle con vuestras armas apuinto de caducar para poder asi fabricar mas cantidad y mas modernas y mortiferas, pq como no soys hijos de dios, de la luz y la prosperidad, y la unica via q conoceis para llegar a la perfeccion de dios es la de surcar rios rojos de sangre. pues he aqui, q despues de tantas guerras la naturaleza os paga con la misma moneda enviandoos los vientos enfadados arrasando parte de vuestras tierras, y arrebataandoos la vida de unos cuantos de vosotros, como vosotros haceis a los demas, pq como dice dios trata a tu projimo como quieres q te traten a ti. es eso lo q quereis. q os invadan y destruyan vuestra maravillosa manera de vida americana, llena de mentiras y fraudes? cada uno es cada uno, y este mundo es muy grande, por que no os acpetais los unos a los otros y vivis en armonia. q os cuesta dar a doblar el brazo de vez en cuadno? poner la otra mejilla? is vais a misa todos los domingos pa que es? para aparentar nada mas frente al resto de vuestros conocidos? o para ver quien da mas dinero en el cepillo de la iglesia? por que sois tan asuqerosamente cinicos? con esto no intento generalizar aunq lo estea haciendo, pero eso es como se ve usa desde fuera de usa, vostros no os veis mas q cuando os reflejais en el espejo, pero imentras no os mirais, el resto del mundo os observa y os conoce, poco a poco nos cansamos de vuestras sandeces y llegara un dia en q como cada buen imperio, llegara vuestro fin. no es una amenaza. es un hecho. Roma cayo, alemania cayo irak cayo y vosotros caereis. lo malo de vuestra caida es a cuanta gente arrastrareis hasta vuestro lecho??

[Editor's note: Bad English translation from Babel Fish follows...]

The USA seguis with fanaticism catolica religion q promotes the love and the respect, You are a democracy (q aunq in the reality is a Tirania of mayoria) q assumes q shows to the values of the freedom and the respect, but your greater industry is the war and the destruction imponeis your norms wanting or without wanting, obligais to the rest of the world to watch after your same eyes isn to accept another point of view, denying q podais to be mistaken, and if you equivocais, contais with the best propaganda of mass media either to turn aside cautious or to conceal vuesros failures and q these falls on a poor head of Turk. Poneis in the single throne to tyrants for despues of years to be able to attack with your arms apuinto to him to expire for being able asi to make but amount and but modern and mortiferas, pq like not soys children of God, the light and the prosperity, and the unica via q conoceis to arrive at perfeccion of God is the one to furrow rios red of blood because there am aqui, q despues of so many wars the nature pays with the same currency enviandoos gotten upset winds to you devastating part of your earth, and arrebataandoos the life of a few of you, like you haceis to demas, pq as God says treats to your projimo as you want q the q treats you to you is that quereis. q invades and destroys your wonderful way to you of American, full life of lies and frauds? each one is each one, and this world is very great, so that not you acpetais an a the others and vivis in armonia. q costs to give to double the arm to you of time in cuadno? to put the other cheek? is you go to mass all Sundays pa that is? in order to pretend nothing but as opposed to the rest of your well-known ones? or to see who gives but money in the brush of the church? so that you are so asuqerosamente cinicos? with this attempt not to generalize aunq the estea doing, but that is as it sees uses from outside uses, vostros you do not see yourselves but q when you reflejais in the mirror, but imentras not you mirais, the rest of the world observes to you and knows you, little by little we got tired of your silly things to say and arrived a day in q like each good empire, arrived your aim is not a threat. it is a fact. Rome key, Germany Iraq key key and you caereis. the bad thing of your caida is to whichever people you will drag until your bed?

Posted on September 09, 2005 at 09:10 AM

5 Red_Raven said...

Thank you very match for traslate_me my opinion

Posted on September 14, 2005 at 08:55 AM